The Tiki Water Fountain project was made for a client who requested a tabletop water feature that was modeled after a character from a favorite mug they owned. The stand is made of 5 components and the character element is 1 component. All elements are 3D printed except for a water pump which was store-bought. This project is an example of my ability to produce "one-offs" that are designed to meet the needs of specific customers.

To enable easy access to some of my more regularly-used tools I made this oak shelf with hooks and screws.
Step 1: lay out the tools on the board
Step 2: outline each one
Step 3: using a dull Dremel burn, engrave the drawing
Step 4: add hardware in locations that are not invasive to the use of the tools, but can hold them up
Step 5: finish board using a light-colored stain for the tool shapes, framed by a darker stain

It is very useful to be able to make things as needed. Here are some examples of times when I have created things that would have been much more difficult before the advent of 3D printing.

While working for RIT as an adjunct instructor, I made this file template as an introductory project for my students. The tiger head itself is a 3D scan, the plate behind it is made in Autodesk inventor. Students edited the inventor file and uploaded it to a premade Netfabb file.

Having a bunch of printers and CAD experience has often led to my use of technology to make household items that make life a little easier and more fun .
This paper towel holder is 300 mm tall for the body and was modeled by sweeping an ellipse across a sine wave and a cosine wave just above. That form was then bent into a cylindrical ring that was linearly patterned.

I was asked to produce a miniature statue featuring the logo of the Mercedes-Benz company. This was done using an assembly comprised of the logo itself (3 pin extrusion with another extrusion on top with a taper, followed by a revolution) and a 3D sweep of an organic ellipse like shape. Those 2 elements are sitting on a plaque with text.

Big Iron Man fan right here. For Halloween, I wanted to make the iconic Arc Reactor so I 3D printed one. I made a chamber filled with LEDs that illuminate a nylon plate. The cover gives a silhouette of what was seen in the movies.
Powered by two batteries running through a double-throw switch giving the LED bank 12 volts DC and an AC circuit feeds a braid of electro-luminescent strands.

A friend of mine (Tom) lost his finger. So I made him a new one. This model features an unscrewable end effector that has several versions. Tom referred to this as an upgrade after seeing the bottle opener attachment. Additionally, if this pops off it is less of a problem.

UB's bull statue was cast from the same mold as a famous city of Buffalo statue. I wanted one too. So I made this. It is a 3D scanned clone with a decorative base. I scanned it with Autodesk photorecap.

A student at the Colombia school of engineering requested a floating version of his school's logo. The picture was extruded and a series of 3D sweeps hold up each form like branches of a tree.

A small wireless charger sends radio waves through a very thin plastic wall. Wood filament was used so I could use stain.
I make these to keep my skills sharp. Every holiday gets a small 3D ornament that gets velcroed to my door. Also yes, Endgame coming out is totally a Holiday.