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UB campus modeling

Baird Point: North campus

Baird Point is an iconic UB campus landmark. Made from the pillars of the old Buffalo federal building.


I recreated it in a 3D environment to use as a backdrop for class projects. All measurements were made with a tape measure. All of the geometry that is high in the air has an identical counterpart on the ground. Meaning I didn't have to scale the pillars to find a dimension, I just had to copy and paste.



Clock Tower: South campus

UB's clock tower stands above the south campus and is one of the most aesthetic structures on university property. Affixed above Hayes hall, and build in the 1800s, this tower has 4 bells ringing every 15 minutes.


This tower was too tall to climb up and measure.  I had to resort to using google earth for the large measurements and using pictures to guess the rest of the details.

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